coinage interview
Sometimes the VC model can lead to some bad outcomes:❌ WeWork❌ Quibi❌ Hinge One of the coolest things about Web3 is people coming together to fund projects they want. I chatted with @gitcoin founder @owocki about how the platform has helped provide $50M+ in funding ⬇️ — Zack Guzmán (@zGuz) October 20, 2023 interview
Greenpill: State of the network
Greenpilling NYC (live) — Greenpill NYC (@greenpillnyc) September 23, 2023
Ma Earth Interview
DAO Coordination: The Final Meta
Navigating Value Trade Offs – on Chase Chapmans Podcast
Listen to this podcast here.
Shape Rotators Guide to Coordination
Odisea 10: Greenpilling the world with Kevin Owocki
I was on the Odisea podcast, check it out here.
Public Goods Funding on Social Media
Watch my ethcc talk here.