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Tag: community

Boulder Startup Week 2016

Boulder Startup Week 2016

Boulder Startup Week wrapped up a couple weeks ago. Boy, what a week! These were some of my favorite events. How to CTO The format of this event was 3-4 local CTOs interviewed by Miles Matthias. It was great to hear what some of the up & coming engineering leaders in Boulder are doing.  Audio of these talks will be posted on Exec Podcast. Building Virtual Reality From Boulder Startup Read the article >> Slack Team Slack Team

Following the success of the Data Science Slack Team, I am working on another experiment to bring engineers in the front-range software community together: is a, free, private slack team that we will use to Kick around startup ideas. Debate the merits of different tools. Receive mentorship from other engineers. Share job and event information. There are only Read the article >>
Data Scientists Slack Chat Team

Data Scientists Slack Chat Team is a global community of startup data scientists, data warehousers, and BI types.  We currently have 90 members from all over the world:   The top skills of the contributors are as follows: If you munge data for a living (or you want to) click here to request an invite.. Read the article >>