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Tag: engineering leadership

Dee Hock on Leadership

Dee Hock on Leadership

I've been reading Birth of the Chaordic Age by Dee Hock.  It was recommended to me by Jud Valeski, whom we interviewed on a few months ago. The following passage spoke to something I've been trying to articulate about leadership since starting my startup journey a decade ago.   It's a 5 minute read, but is worth it: Leader presumes follower. Follower presumes choice. One who is Read the article >>
Exec Podcast

Exec Podcast

About a year ago, my friend Miles and I started organizing informal monthly lunches for startup engineering leaders in Boulder (contact me if you're not on the list). I'm past the point in my career where there's much upside to showing up to a random networking happy hour, and have found a recurring informal lunch with high caliber people to be a nice alternative.  These lunches have evolved into Read the article >>