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Tag: foundations of leadership

Dee Hock on Leadership

Dee Hock on Leadership

I've been reading Birth of the Chaordic Age by Dee Hock.  It was recommended to me by Jud Valeski, whom we interviewed on a few months ago. The following passage spoke to something I've been trying to articulate about leadership since starting my startup journey a decade ago.   It's a 5 minute read, but is worth it: Leader presumes follower. Follower presumes choice. One who is Read the article >>
Foundations of Leadership #2: Become an Expert in Something

Foundations of Leadership #2: Become an Expert in Something

I've never seen someone rise in an organization as fast as when they become an expert in something important to that organization.  There something organic about leadership that occurs because an engineer is the subject-matter expert in a piece of scope that the rest of the organization is betting on strategically. I've seen engineers be most successful at this when It's a subject they Read the article >>
Foundations of Leadership #1: Say what you’re going to do and then do it.

Foundations of Leadership #1: Say what you’re going to do and then do it.

If I could name *the* one most important quality of a potential team member, friend, or pretty-much anyone I am going to bring into my life, this is it: If you say you're going to do something, you go do it. It's such a straightforward principle. And yet, crazily enough, people (even professionals) don't always follow through on their committments.  Maybe people commit to things they don't plan Read the article >>