Call for presenters — Boulder Startup Week 2014 Dev Track

Call for presenters — Boulder Startup Week 2014 Dev Track

Boulder Startup Week is May 12 – May 16th this year. I am running the dev track. The session are as follows: All about Functional Programming – Functional programming relies upon the fact that we can define an entire system in terms of a pure, atemporal, stateless mapping from inputs to outputs, and this fact holds for us a singular promise: that it is possible, and desirable, to write programs Read the article >>

8 Tips to fix Slow Facebook Load Times

8 Tips to fix Slow Facebook Load Times

Here are 8 tips I’ve found that help improve the load time of my facebook account: Check if other web-sites are slow.  If so, the problem could be with your internet connection and you will need to switch to another network. Check if other programs on your computer are slow.  If programs that do not require Internet connectivity (like Microsoft Word) are slow, then there may be an issue with Read the article >>

Economics of Engineering

Economics of Engineering

Some mental garbage collection from my snowy morning run: Purpose is foundation Teamwork is strength Results are currency Complainers are derelict Learning is tinder Gumption is spark Mastery is elusive Profit is a byproduct  

My Software Engineering Interview Prep Checklist

My Software Engineering Interview Prep Checklist

I’ve put together a handy checklist for interviewees at software startups.  If you’re job hunting, or may be job hunting soon, feel free to take it for a spin. Interview Prep Checklist: General Knowledge Data Structures Bit Manipulation Brain Teasers Object Oriented Design Recursion and Dynamic Programming Scalability and Memory Limits Sorting and Searching Design Patterns Testing Threads Read the article >>

Productivity Porn: An Office War Room to GTD

Productivity Porn: An Office War Room to GTD

I’ve posted before about how I keep the physical space around me organized in order to encourage productivity.  These days, I am working from home, so it’s important to keep my work area a productive place.   Here is a visual layout of my ‘war room’. Taking a step back: WorkStation 15″ MacBook Air & BookArc Stand ThunderBolt Display w. some SimpleDesktops 2nd Monitor and Read the article >>



Have you ever asked yourself: “Am I awake right now?”   I have. Every now and then, I lucidly remember and relive a specific mundane moment from my childhood — walking to the bus stop, backpack and red lunchbox in hand, and all of a sudden being overwhelmed by this feeling like “is someone else walking in my body?”.  Like my brain subconscious was playing tricks on me. I used to get panic Read the article >>

Reputation and Credibility are Sacrosanct

Reputation and Credibility are Sacrosanct

Late 2011, coming off the thrill of a fresh round of funding for our startup, we had made an offer to an engineer.   After months enduring the drudgeries of searching, interviewing, reference checking reputation after reputation, making an offer, and finally negotiating with the right candidate, we were finally finished.  We had an offer letter signed — we finally found the the one.   The day Read the article >>

Good and Bad Form in Business

Good and Bad Form in Business

I screwed up during my job hunt in 2015. I backed out of a job offer I’d already accepted days earlier.  The timeline played out as follows: I rescinded the offer before I officially started, but the other party had already bought me a laptop, told his team about me, and told his board about me.  Maybe not such a big deal if you join a BigCo, but at a 6 person startup, I definitely left the Read the article >>

Physical Workspace Hacking; 6 tips to create a War Room.

Physical Workspace Hacking; 6 tips to create a War Room.

Like any good engineer, I work hard to maximize my impact.  Relative to time invested, I want to accomplish as much as possible. So I feel it makes sense to invest some time in organizing my office into  my war room. I have noticed how horrible the workplace organizational skills of some of my cohorts are.  Especially engineers.  Just because you’re building in the digital world is no excuse Read the article >>

Redesigning my Blog

Redesigning my Blog

In an effort to put my content front & center, simplify this blog, and focus on it’s reader experience, I’ve decided to move to a new, more minimal, theme.  I’m redesigning my blog. Before: After: I hope that you like it.   Read the article >>