Startup CTO : The primacy of the network & Web 3.0
Theres a new episode of Startup CTO out today.
It is a cross post from Vincent Horn’s new podcast, Crypto-Mind. With permission, I’ve reposted it from Crypto-Mind podcast. This podcast is about contemplating deeply the societal, spiritual, network implications of the networked Web 3.0 world.
This episode is all about networks. Specifically,
- What’s it mean to be a part of the network?
- Why are networks important?
- How do we organize ourselves?
- How do we identify ourselves?
- What’s it mean to create value and distribute that value?
- Which network do I want to put value into?
- How much whats happening to cryptocurrency is _just what’s happening in the world_ reflected back into crypto?
- The big network is the Life and all life that we know. Making connections there seems really important.
- Is it ethical to run a bitcoin node in a world where there is climate change. Is POS a moral eventuality?
- How a simple Google bus is analogy for new world and a lightning rod for some.
- Taking the model of the king and democratizing it some. If you are a good entrepreneur you are king. You have followers . Take that model and took it apart so everyone can be king in their own way.
- Rise of mindfulness when attention becomes a constraint.