Ma Earth Interview
Greenpill is a self-published book I released in Feb 2022 about how crypto could regenerate the world. (heavy emphasis on could, I don’t think its happening yet).
The book has become an attractor for regens and over the last 18 months, I’ve been connected to 1000s of regens who have a similar vision of using web3 to fund public goods + create pro-social movements + build protopian social Read the article >>
Coordination Protocols Talk @ Zuzalu
Crypto + Commercial Open Source Panel
I was recently on a panel about COSS + Crypto at Open Core Summit 2020 with a handful of amazing folks. Check it out below.

Gitcoin: Push Open Source Repos Forward
Being steeped in the Boulder startup community, I've seen how much value is provided in open source software, and also how little compensation is given to open source developers without a Corporate sponsor. I've seen issues that die because of lack of ownership, seen developers quit projects because they are treated poorly, and seen plenty of half finished projects left to the dustbin of internet Read the article >>

Be there first.
Those who know me through work in the Boulder Community know that I run the Boulder Startup Week Future of Tech Track -- which consists of events on Virtual Reality, Mixed Reality, Machine Learning, Security, and Blockchain.
It's become a running joke amongst friends in the tech community that the theme of the track is really "Things Kevin likes". While I don't dispute that the subthemes of the Read the article >> Job Board
One of the things that we set out to solve when Miles Matthias and I launched podcast was reducing the barrier to entry to becoming an engineering leader. While the podcast solves, in part, the mentorship part of that equation, there was still a lack of availability of information on leadership positions. A Job Board was a natural next step for us, and I'm happy to say that we Read the article >>

Side Project Report: Learn Meditation in VR
Today I am launching a side project designed to make meditation easier with VR.
SkillMaster VR -- Learn Meditation is the first meditation app that allows you to learn meditation in VR by visualizing your breath in real time. It’s a Virtual Reality experience built specifically to help you meditate by using your game controller to track your breath.
Super excited to bring this live in time Read the article >>
`du` for AWS S3
I built and open sourced a tool called s3_disk_util last week. It's meant to help cleanup disk space on your AWS bucket. Its very similar to the linux command `du`, but for s3.
Here's how it works:
kevinowocki@local /Users/kevinowocki/Desktop/s3_disk_utils~ % python3 --depth=1 --bucket=BUCKETNAME
(Cloudwatch bucket size estimate: 22.7GiB)
/ : 22.7GiB
- DIR1/ : 22.6GiB
Read the article >>