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Category: technology

Google Glass Release Date

Google Glass Release Date

Yesterday, on July 28th, 2012, Sergey Brin gave a demo of Google Glass at the Google I/O conference.   He announced that the Google Glass for Developers would be available in early 2013.   The finalized version of the Google Glass, the one for consumers, will be not released until 2014, at the earliest.  The google glass release date is still unannounced. The technology behind this product, Read the article >>
What are Google Glasses?

What are Google Glasses?

What are google glasses? Google Project Glass is a product that Google is working on, in the R & D stages.   It can be described as a wearable augmented reality display, designed to allow users to perform computing tasks hands-free.  Instead of using a keyboard and mouse, users would speak commands, which would then be translated from natural langauge commands into commands for the device via Read the article >>
On Identity

On Identity

The first thing people ask me when they haven't seen me in a while is "How's StepOut?". I find it playfully amusing that, to others, I'm the "Indian online dating guy". Not because I have any particular special amused sentiment towards India, online dating, or the web itself, just because it's something I never thought I'd be doing professionally. Work as Self I used to hate pitching the company. Read the article >>
On Equanimity

On Equanimity

One of the biggest challenges you'll faces as a technical co-founder of a social startup is that of equanimity. You sit at the intersection of product and technology. The contrast in approaches in those areas is often under-stated and always under-recognized. In product, as CTO, you're injected into the thought-stream torrent that results in strategic decision making, yet have little-to-no influence Read the article >>
TOSAmend: Change the Terms of Online Contracts

TOSAmend: Change the Terms of Online Contracts

2 weeks ago, the #occupywallst protestors were been kicked out of zuccotti park in Manhattan. It's time to move the protest to the web. It's time to #occupytheweb I am announcing today the relaunch of TOSAmend with Law Professor, Zev Eigen. We've ironed out the kinks and now we think TOSAmend will hold up in court - at least for some contracts . What is TOSAmend? TOSAmend is a free & easy Read the article >>
TOSAmend: The easy way to modify web service TOS Online Contracts

TOSAmend: The easy way to modify web service TOS Online Contracts

Have you ever read any of the terms of service documents you agree to when you sign up to your favorite web apps? Of course you don't.  Those documents are tens, sometimes hundreds, of pages long. You sign away even your most basic of rights.  They're in legalise.  Even if you could read them, it would take you all day! And you'd have to spend countless more hours just trying to understand the Read the article >>
Hey Google, Gmail is Awfully Slow!

Hey Google, Gmail is Awfully Slow!

For a company that makes a lot of noise about how the web should be blazing fast, Google has been awfully slow to address performance concerns in one of their flagship apps, Gmail. Sometimes conversations can take up to 20 seconds to load.   Searches too.  Sometimes they will not load at all and a vague "This conversation could not be loaded" message will appear in your browser. I've tried Read the article >>
Startups @ Scale: Building an early warning system

Startups @ Scale: Building an early warning system

I've been thinking how much things have changed lately at Ignighter.  We're starting to get some press, a bunch of daily registrations, and a bunch more messages piping through our once-rinky dating website.  It's beginning to feel like we're not such a small startup anymore. When milestones like those pass, it really changes the way your team builds software.  These days, I'm obsessed with building Read the article >>
5 Reasons to try a Standing Desk

5 Reasons to try a Standing Desk

You can only be as efficient as the tools around you allow you to be. The most recent change to my workstation is a standing desk. Standing 8+ hours / day is a big change. Aside from some exhaustion the first day, most of the changes have been positive so far. Here are some of the benefits: I'm strength training while I'm at work. You know that feeling when you're exhausted at the end of the Read the article >>
10 Internet Giants, 10 Years ago

10 Internet Giants, 10 Years ago

I love using tools like the Internet Archive to see what websites looked like years ago. Just for fun, take a trip in internet history with me: Each of these businesses are top 100 sites in the USA and have "grown up" in the past 10 years. Each screenshot is half "retro" and half "current" (either left/right or top/bottom). Click on a screenshot to see the comparison full-screen. Apple: 2000 Read the article >>